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Push Button start for Ralliart

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Postby Speedie » Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:47 am


They give you a smart key to get programmed by your dealer so it wont work with the keys you already have. Top right on instructions is the key

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Postby JaCe » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:24 pm

I don't know about yours but my Smart Key includes a hardkey inside the module... doesn't look like there is an equivalent in the picture above?

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Postby SIR-VRX » Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:38 pm

Ok, to answer the questions about that remote start.

I emailed that seller on ebay, and asked if that worked with the "FAST Key" (What they call the smart key in the States) and i got back the answer...

"Sorry it will not work"

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Postby kayman » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:12 am

just FYI the Mazda MPS has the push button start and works with their smart key... basically you sit in the car foot on break pedal and then push and release the start button it cycles through acc / on / off if you push and hold it for over a second it starts the car.

but for the price i reckon its just as simple to turn a plastic key looks snazzy tho.

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Postby SIR-VRX » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:37 pm

A lot of cars have that version of the smart key, but I prefer the knob like we have in the Lancers.

The one main advantage:

If the Fob battery dies, we have an emergency key :lol: They're screwed because they don't hahaha!

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