hay all, just bought a new sx lightning blue manual sedan just over a week ago and pick it up this thursday! obviously cant wait and have started the purchasing of mods which include, black led tail lights, ralliart gear knob, head light protectors and chrome trimming for the surround of the front airdamn, just upgraded from a toyota jza80 supra, went for something reliable and can look sweet with little work. lots of plans for mods, going to delay engine mods and focus on asthetics, planning on wheel shopping on weekend, also looking to do black out vinyl, lip kit and evo wing in next couple of months, just wanted to say that i have been searching this forum up and down and you guys know ur stuff, and there are some awesome connections here (PMR X DESIGN)
***** ALERT - Nominations for your new ClubCJ Committee can be made here *****
New lancer owner syd
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GDay Divad
Welcome to ClubCJ mate
There's heaps of modding info and support here
Where are you located?
Perhaps you can make a cruise and show off your new beast!
Regards Chris
Welcome to ClubCJ mate
There's heaps of modding info and support here
Where are you located?
Perhaps you can make a cruise and show off your new beast!
Regards Chris
Australasian Gerbil Rearers Organisation, Official Re-Seller.
MY09 Rally Red VRX ClubCJ's 1st 4B12 2.4L - CCJ Lifetime Member #0004.
MY09 Rally Red VRX ClubCJ's 1st 4B12 2.4L - CCJ Lifetime Member #0004.
hay guys hanks for the welcome, lol it is divad or david, i live in the hills district, and will definatly be getting some photos up very soon,(when i figure out how to) im no stranger to the car mod scene but i am a noob when it comes to forums, but have seen the rewards allready, great info on here guys, pick up the car tommorow, thanks blue vrx, the lightning blue is an awesome colour, white and black were a close second & third
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