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Need a Mechanic in South Australia

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:58 pm
by bennieboi101
Hey guys

Im in QLD and i have a friend of mine who is about to road trip up here to see me. She wants to get her car checked out before she does tho but i dont know any grease monkeys down that way. Can any of the SA boys (and girls) help me out with someone the recommend who wont rip her off and just give her honest advice/service.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:10 am
by black_ice
Jon @ Driven Motorsport

Really good bloke and won't rip you off.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:37 am
by shamoo
Yep give the Driven guys a call. They are on holidays till next week I'm pretty sure though. I'll be taking my lancer there in the next few weeks :)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:57 pm
by SIX
or go see damien at main north auto mechanic it think is his name hers a member on here just off main north road at blair athol , down the side street where the BP is

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:54 pm
by Seffy
SIX wrote:or go see damien at main north auto mechanic it think is his name hers a member on here just off main north road at blair athol , down the side street where the BP is

Off the top of my head; Audrey Avenue, Blair Athol, SA. Turn left from Main North Rd and it's across the Lutheran school/church on there.

Or like the others have said, Driven motorsport, heard good things about that place too (sister's bf gets his evo serviced there).