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VIC drivers beware: Westall Road, Clayton

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:28 pm
by tjoz
Something that happened to me today while driving home from work was something I dont think anyone would want done to them on a Friday afternoon.. Having smashed glass get thrown into your car...

Was driving normally, not speeding or anything and had stayed in the left lane (its a 3 lane road) since coming off the Westall Extension and another car pulled up beside mine in the middle. Not stopped or anything but still driving and next thing the car beside me speed up and threw a handful of broken glass in through the drivers side window. Heard laughing and they speed off. All this happened just before Westall Station.

Some of the glass hit my window as it wasnt down all the way but some of the smaller bits went in my eye and the rest was in my lap and some on the dash. I had some hit my right eye. I was very lucky I had blinked when I did or else it would have been alot worse. I pulled over and got most of the glass out then went to the doctors just to make sure. My eye will be sore for a little while and it hurts alittle to close my eye.

There was about 3 or 4 guys in the car, it was a green coloured car either an early model Ford Falcon or a Magna, abit beat up and they think its funny to throw smashed glass into someone elses face while driving...

This is not the first time Ive heard of this happening. One of my friends boyfriends older brother saw the same thing happen but in Oakleigh on Dandenong Rd real late at night, he saw a car pull up beside this other car, followed them side by side for a little while then threw something into their car. The car that had something thrown in swerved all over the place before stopping and the driver was bleeding from the face.

So everyone that drives through the Clayton/Oakleigh/Mulgrave area beware of a group of guys in an old make Ford or Mitsubishi if you see them drive up beside you. Make sure your windows are up as they will throw broken glass into your face while driving.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:38 pm
by Graham
GRRRRRRRRRRRRR this makes me so angry just hearing about crap like this!!

If they did that to me I would've chased them until one of us ran out of petrol and break each and every one of their elbows with my metal pole under my seat.

I hope you're okay and the idiots roll their car into a solid object.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:39 pm
by The X
Fricken idiots. Is there something in the water down there in victoria of late? Silly amounts of stupidity in cars going on.... :(

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:43 pm
by James.H_93
i would have chased them for sure. some people are so disrespectful!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:35 pm
by PYLee
a bunch of pricks , did u manage to take look at their faces ?

are they like locals / asians etc ?

there's quite a fair bit of workshops/modshops in westall road

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:25 pm
Yeah i live in the area and ive heard of stuff like this before but not broken glass - my mate was driving on chandler rd (about 10 mins from westall) and these guys in a commodore driving in the opposite direction chucked a big m directly at his car (the guy was hanging out the window) - it really is silly - i think i would of called 000 and quietly followed them and advised the police to find you - idiots like that would just keep driving around - but you should go and report it to the police - you may not be the only person that it happened to and every bit of information does help them.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:20 pm
by Ral1rt
hmmmm sometimes I wish I had a gun under my seat, not a metal pole.
Useless junkies

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:12 am
by cyssero
Very sad and frustrating to hear. Hope you're OK, did you report the incident to the police?

This could have caused a serious accident or worse. I really can't believe how dumb people can get. I don't know anyone (or at least I hope I don't) who would condone this action.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:02 am
by Stealthy
be careful with that metal bar , police find it and it can cause all forms of trouble , coming home from hockey a few years back pulled over by police wanted to do random search of my car ( it looked like a P.O.S ) and got questioned about the hocky stick for about 20 minutes , back to the topic , its crazy the shit people do no respect anymore

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:54 am
by qudans
Just keep a steering wheel lock under your seat instead (lol). You'd have a perfectly good reason why you have it.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:03 am
by kinesis
Dude this makes me sick. Seriously, some people have no respect nor dignity.

At least, for the most part, you're ok.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:35 am
by tjoz
VRX_Pete wrote:Fricken idiots. Is there something in the water down there in victoria of late? Silly amounts of stupidity in cars going on.... :(

Vodka?? I would not be surprised at all if they were on the drink. And they definately werent Asian. Ive heard heaps of this sort of thing happening from the guys at work ranging from rubbish right through to glass and bricks...

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:24 am
by leevin
Stealthy wrote:be careful with that metal bar , police find it and it can cause all forms of trouble , coming home from hockey a few years back pulled over by police wanted to do random search of my car ( it looked like a P.O.S ) and got questioned about the hocky stick for about 20 minutes , back to the topic , its crazy the shit people do no respect anymore

uh oh, i keep a hockey stick in my car too! and since im so lazy, i also have the Ultra Racing lower bar still in my boot :S lets hope i dont get checked!

bah, that sucks though, i take westall everyday but nothing bad has happened to me... :? now im paranoid about it.
hope all is well soon.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:20 pm
by ofey
tjoz: Tim, I'm really angry hearing what's happened to you. Guys, I've met Tim twice and he's a really nice chap. So I'm thinking these guys don't really pick who they're after, they just randomly toss people. So all VIC members avoid Westall and the Clayton area as much as possible.

Tim, take care mate... .

leevin: BTW the UR Lower Bar is to be mounted between your rear wheels. NOT kept in the rear boot. It doesn't work as well... .