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How to post photos from Photobucket?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:13 pm
by Dungogvolts
I am trying to add some photos from Photobucket to a post and when I preview the post it shows the photos BUT when I click the submit button I get this error

"The Photobucket(tm) image link(s) provided contained invalid characters or phpbb code.

Common mistakes are having space(s) at the start after the opening [img]tag%20or%20space(s)%20at%20the%20end,%20just%20before%20the%20terminating[/img] tag. Other things to look for are non-alphanumeric or non-english characters in the link which are considered invalid.

Click the back button on your browser and re-check how you have entered the image links. Once you have corrected your errors, try again or seek help from site admin. Failed URL Validation."

Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I have also tried adding them to the site using its up-loader to no avail.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:42 pm
by Lancer1993
I'll try and help.

Use the IMG link but only use the part from [ I M G ] to [ / I M G ]

This is the end result.

I tried posting examples of the text but it would not allow me to do it.

Also once posted a copy is cached on the site so the link will be different when you check the post with the edit button.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:01 am
by Dungogvolts
Thank you so easy when you know how. I tried for hours last night.