el3ment wrote:[quote:5467fc979b=himynameisdaniel][b:5467fc979b]They also need to have a leveling switch either fully auto or manual adjustment from your cabin.[/b:5467fc979b] But lets be honest, the general population of regular drivers who have HIDs how many times would they wash their lights? (the switch is usually different to the main stork) my understanding is that along as you have operational washers and fluid in the reservoir your defect free. And i can say that allot of people do not have properly aligned headlights either... Some people ride their high-beams everywhere The most obvious thing is having HIDs in halogen reflectors. this will cause light to be scattered in every direction and can be noticed quite easily to a trained eye. Its all a matter of current law enforcement priorities which may change in the future. currently in SA you will get defected for a blown bulb. police seem to be actively targeting this for the moment from what Ive seen[/quote:5467fc979b] Thats bull. I know the Evo X MRs Ive seen (MY08) dont have levelling switches inside the cabin. They need to be adjusted on the headlight itself...
The Evo's usually have self leveling headlights, so they don't need the switch inside. There are sensors on the suspension that make them move up or down depending on the level of the shock.