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Front fender removal

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:15 am
by Tywhiteguy
Has anyone removed their front fender? I got all the bolts off except the one in the door jam. I tried using an impact with a long extension, a regular socket with an extension but it seems if I open it too far the door gets in a the way! Any tips would be greatly appreciated

FYI it’s a MY12, not sure if that makes a difference but the one photo explenation I found has a different arrangement

Re: Front fender removal

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 5:13 pm
by bumblebee
It may be easier to remove the door
If you follow the rubber tube that runs between the door and the pillar , inside there is a clip plug
The clip plug will.pull apart
Once the plug is apart that's it for the wiring to the door
Remove the bolts and the door falls off