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Cover Removal in Front Compartment below AC Controls

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:22 pm
by lukep198
Hi All, I'm currently in the process of installing a dash cam in my 2011 Activ. I'm just wondering if the upper cover in the compartment below the A/C controls is able to be removed to allow the power cable to run from the 12V outlet and behind the dash to come out below the glovebox and then run up the pillar and how the removal would be done? If not, would would you guys recommend as being the best way to get the cable from the 12V outlet to the pillar? Image


Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:35 am
by sarusa
Would it be easier to run the cable down and under the carpet. :?: :roll:

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:55 am
by Lancer1993
I have mine running down the A pillow then under the dash to inside the glove box, which is where I have my GPS power also. Then I have a lead running from the power that is in the box behind the hand brake, with a lead running under the side of the center console up to the glove box and a 'power board' so both are plugged in together and hidden. leaving the one under the AC controls empty and ready to charge my iPhone when needed.